Sport Stacking


Sport stacking is a sport that not only develops important physical skills, such as hand-eye coordination, quickness and focus; it also promotes self-confidence, teamwork and good sportsmanship. Our intent is to uphold these qualities and provide a positive experience for all. Please understand that most everyone involved in cup stacking competitive events is a volunteer working hard to do the best job they can do. Like any athletic competition, decisions and judgments will be made-–most will be correct, some may be questionable—all will be sincere. We ask that all those taking part in a competition, including Stackers, Team Relay Coaches, Officials and Spectators, do their best to work together, be good sports and role models, and have a terrific time! The WSSA follows the principles and guidelines as outlined by the Positive Coaching Alliance. We encourage you to follow these points and visit their web site at